Tentative Schedule Spring '24

See list of abbreviations in "Readings" at the bottom of this page.

Week Lectures 800 - 1030 Problems & Labs 1030 - 1200
30 January
Welcome and Introduction - Video 1
Introduction on the labs - How-To

Introduction to MOS transistor design
Readings: CMOS 1.1 - 1.5 (1.6, 1.8, 1.10), 2.1 - 2.2

5 February
DTU Compute form due today
6 February
CMOS processing technology
Readings: CMOS 3.1 - 3.8
Problem solving
Please refer to contents under DTU Learn
13 February
CMOS devices
Readings: CMOS 2.1 - 2.6
Problem solving
Please refer to contents under DTU Learn
20 February
CMOS gates (delay)
Readings: CMOS 4.1 - 4.8, 9.2.1
Problem solving
Please refer to contents under DTU Learn
27 February
Design methodology and tools
Readings: CMOS 14.1, 14.3 - 14.5 and PE9
Tutorials T2 and T3: Simulation and Synthesis
Readings: Tutorials T1, T2 and T3 (on-line)
5 March
Design for low power (part I)
Readings: 5.1 - 5.7 and LN
Tutorial T4: Power estimation
Lab 1: Synthesis
Readings: Tutorial T4 (on-line), Lab1 assignment (DTU Learn)
5 March
Homework 1
12 March
Design for low power (part II)
Readings: LN
Tutorial T5: Place & route
Lab 2: Clock gating
Readings: Tutorial T5, Lab2 assignment (DTU Learn)
19 March
CMOS logic systems (part I)
Readings: 9.1 - 9.3
Labs 1+2: Catching up on Power estimation + Place'n'route
Readings: Lab1+Lab2 assignment (DTU Learn)
19 March
Homework 2
2 April
CMOS logic systems (part II)
Readings: CMOS 10.1 - 10.4
Problem solving
Please refer to contents under DTU Learn
2 April
LAB 1 + 2: Joint report over Lab1 and Lab2 due today
9 April
CMOS logic systems (part III)
Timing optimization
Readings: CMOS 10.2, 13.4
Problem solving
Please refer to contents under DTU Learn
16 April
Wires, power distribution and packaging
Readings: CMOS 6.1 - 6.6, 13.3
Problem solving
Please refer to contents under DTU Learn
16 April
Homework 3
23 April
Technology scaling and emerging technology
Readings: CMOS 6.1 - 6.6, 7.4 (Scaling)
LAB 3: Questions on Labs and/or problems
Readings: Lab3 assignment (DTU Learn)
30 April
Memory subsystems
Readings: CMOS 12.1-12.4, 12.6
LAB 3: Discuss issues on labs and help each other with implementation problems
5 May
LAB 3: Lab3 report deadline
List of Readings and Abbreviations in "Readings"
Abbreviation Book, paper, note
Neil Weste, David Harris
Addison Wesley, 4th edition, 2010.
LN Lecture notes on Lowpower
Alberto Nannarelli, 7 March 2016
(downloadable from DTU Learn)
PE9 Logic Synthesis
Douglas L. Perry
9 Logic Synthesis in VHDL
McGraw-Hill Series on Computer Engineering, 2nd edition, 1993.
(downloadable from DTU Learn)
WH Integrated Circuit Design
Neil Weste, David Harris
Addison Wesley, 4th edition, 2011.

Alternative to CMOS, same content but different chapter numbering.
Introduction to the Labs
Tutorials (behind the firewall)
Labs (three of them) can be downloaded from DTU Learn, when assigned.