type Counters = struct {f1: () -> int; f2: () -> int};

// Return a structure with two functions that share a counter, counting how
// many times they have been called.
fun makeCounters(): Counters = {
    let mutable i: int = 0;
    // The lambda terms below capture i twice
    struct { f1 = fun () -> i <- i + 1;
             f2 = fun () -> i <- i + 1 } : Counters

let c1: Counters = makeCounters();
assert(c1.f1() = 1); // c1.f1 and c2.f2 should share the same counter
assert(c1.f2() = 2);

let c2: Counters = makeCounters();
assert(c2.f2() = 1); // c2.f1 and c2.f2 should share another counter
assert(c2.f1() = 2)