02560 Web Graphics and Scientific Visualization

Week 1 - webpage, canvas, and simple drawing

  1. Make a DTU Student Homepage. The tutorial is at http://gbar.dtu.dk/faq/50-homepage. To use this tutorial you need access to your home directory on the server. You can get this using one of the following two tutorials:

  2. Write a couple of paragraphs about something scientific or technical that it could be interesting to visualize. Put this text on your new webpage. If you are out of ideas, here are some example topics:

  3. Work your way as far into GL as time permits, preferably through Chapters 1-3. This involves:

  4. Draw something that in some way illustrates your text paragraphs (a curve using line segments, for example, or a pie chart using triangles).

Reading Material

GL Chapters 1-3. Overview, first step, and drawing and transforming triangles.