This is the list of changes applied to these lecture notes, with the most recent at the top.
01/05/2023: added more details about the Oral Group Examination.
28/04/2023: added examples showing Strength Reduction and Removal of Redundant Assignments.
26/04/2023: published Module 12: Optimisation.
22/04/2022: fixed typo in “let rec…” substitution in Project Idea: Recursive Functions, and added explanations.
19/04/2023: published Module 11: Intermediate Representations and Register Allocation.
14/04/2023: fixed some typos in Module 10: Discriminated Unions and Recursive Types.
12/04/2023: published Module 10: Discriminated Unions and Recursive Types.
30/03/2023: added more details to Project Idea: Recursive Functions.
29/03/2023: published Module 9: Closures; fixed errors in Definition 2 and Definition 14.
20/03/2023: published Module 8: Lab Day; fixed typos in Project Idea: Extend Hygge with Arrays.
14/03/2023: published Module 7: Structured Data Types and the Heap.
08/03/2023: published Module 6: Functions and the RISC-V Calling Convention.
01/03/2023: published Module 5: Mutability and Loops.
21/02/2023: published Module 4: Lab Day.
17/02/2023: added more hints to the Project Ideas of Module 3: Hands-On with hyggec.
15/02/2023: published Module 3: Hands-On with hyggec.
09/02/2023: published Module 2: The Hygge0 Language Specification.
01/02/2023: published Module 0: Overview of the Course and Assessment and Module 1: Introduction to RISC-V.