Module 0: Overview of the Course and Assessment#

Here is an overview of what you will learn in this course, which tools will be used, and how you will be assessed. This module discusses, in particular, the Tools and Programming Languages Used During the Course and the Assessment: Group Project and Oral Group Examination.

What is a Compiler?#

A compiler is a translator from code written in a source language, into code written in a target language. Typically, the source language operates at a higher level of abstraction, whereas the target language operates at a lower level of abstraction. For example:

  • compiling C++ code into C code (a common approach of the early C++ compilers);

  • compiling C code into x86 assembly;

  • compiling TypeScript into WebAssembly;

  • compiling Java code into Java Virtual Machine bytecode;

  • compiling F# into .NET Common Language Runtime bytecode;

When the source and target languages have similar levels of abstraction, we typically use the term transpiler instead of compiler.

A compiler typically performs the source-to-target language translation in a series of phases: each phase takes as input a representation of the code being compiled, and outputs another representation. This way, an overall complex source-to-target translation is broken down into simpler steps, each one having a distinct purpose.

Fig. 1 outlines the basic phases of a compiler, what they receive as input, and what they produce as output.


The number of phases and nomenclature may vary between compilers; moreover, a phase can be sometimes split into sub-phases, and two or more phases may be merged into one.

Diagram of compiler phases

Fig. 1 Basic phases of a compiler.#

Let us explore the purpose of the phases in Fig. 1 with an example. Consider the following simple source program:

println(2 + 3) // Should print a number between 4 and 37

The lexing phase (a.k.a. tokenization) classifies groups of characters in the source program, by recognising e.g. keywords, parentheses, literal integers, operators. Recognised groups of characters are transformed into tokens, and irrelevant information in the source program (e.g. white spaces, comments) can be discarded. For example, a tokenization of the program above may look like:


The parsing phase reads a stream of tokens and applies a series of grammar rules to reconstruct the syntactic structure of the source code, creating an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST). An analogy with human languages is: each token represents a valid word in a given language, and the parser checks whether a sequence of words forms a grammatically-valid sentence. For example, the sequence of tokens above forms the following AST, which means: there is a top-level PrintLn expression with an argument sub-expression, which in turn is an Addition having two sub-expressions: an lhs (left-hand side) which is an IntValue 2, and a rhs (right-hand side) which is an IntValue 3.

┗╾arg: Add
       ┣╾lhs: IntVal 2
       ┗╾rhs: IntVal 3

The analysis phase checks whether a given AST is “correct”, and produces an intermediate representation (IR) useful for further compilation. The kind of analysis being performed, and the details of the IR, may vary between compilers. A common scenario is: the analysis is based on type checking, and the produced IR may be a typed AST similar to the input AST, but augmented with type information. For example, the type-checking of the AST above may produce the following typed AST:

PrintLn; type: unit
┗╾arg: Add; type: int
       ┣╾lhs: IntVal 2; type: int
       ┗╾rhs: IntVal 3; type: int

Finally, the code generation phase translates the intermediate representation into a target program. For example, if the compiler produces assembly code, then the program generated from the typed AST above may look like:

    li t0, 2
    li t1, 3
    add t0, t0, t1
    addi sp, sp, -8
    sw a7, 0(sp)
    sw a0, 4(sp)
    mv a0, t0
    li a7, 1
    lw a7, 0(sp)
    lw a0, 4(sp)
    addi sp, sp, 8
    li a7, 10

Course Objectives and Rationale#

This is a project-based course: you’ll learn how to design and extend a compiler by working on a compiler, combining theory and hands-on experience. To this purpose, we study how to compile a high-level programming language (with features found in many “mainstream” programming languages) into low-level assembly code for a real-world CPU architecture: RISC-V.

The main learning tool for this course is a small high-level programming language called Hygge (/ˈhygə/), designed for teaching compiler construction.

The Hygge language is designed to be easy to use and to parse, so we can focus on the more interesting aspects of its compilation process. You can think of Hygge as a micro-F# with a syntax reminiscent of C (see A Taste of Hygge). We will study how to translate an Hygge program into an executable RISC-V assembly program.

Due to time constraints, this course does not attempt to build a Hygge compiler completely from scratch. Instead, we start from a skeleton (and incomplete) compiler called hyggec. You will work on a group project to improve both the Hygge language and the hyggec skeleton compiler, by designing and implementing various new features (either suggested by the teacher, or proposed by you).

The aim of hyggec is to provide an approachable starting point for the course project: its source code is compact and contains many comments, and it is designed to be easy to debug and extend. Moreover, hyggec provides some handy facilities to speed up compiler development: e.g. a pretty-printer, an internal API to create and combine fragments of target RISC-V code, and an automatic testing framework.

A Taste of Hygge#

At the beginning of the course, we will focus on a minimalistic fragment of the Hygge programming language (called Hygge0) and explore how to compile it into RISC-V assembly. Hygge0 is little more than a calculator: it only supports variables, a few arithmetic operations, if-then-else, and reading/writing data from/to the terminal. An Hygge0 program looks like the following:

(Download this example.)

1let x: int = 1;
2let y: int = 2;
4if x < y then println("x is smaller than y")
5         else println("x is not smaller than y");
7print("The result of x + y is: ");
8println(x + y)

You will learn how to improve Hygge0 and its compiler by adding new simple programming language constructs — in particular, new operators.

After this experience, we will explore the more complete Hygge programming language (which builds upon Hygge0) and you will learn how to design and implement more advanced features to fix its limitations and expand its capabilities. Towards the end of the course, we will be able to compile into RISC-V and run some rather complex Hygge programs, like the following:

(Download this example.)

 1// Define a list type as a labelled union type: either an empty list ('Nil'),
 2// or a list 'Elem'ent followed by the rest of the list.
 3type List = union {
 4    Nil: unit;
 5    Elem: struct {
 6        value: int;
 7        rest: List
 8    }
11// Is the given list empty?
12fun isEmpty(l: List): bool = {
13    match l with {
14        Nil{_} -> true;
15        Elem{_} -> false
16    }
19// Create a list of ints starting with 'start' and ending with 'end' (included).
20fun range(start: int, end: int): List = {
21    if (start < end or start = end)
22        then Elem{struct{value = start; rest = range(start+1, end)}}
23        else Nil{()}
26// Compute and return the length of the given list.
27fun length(l: List): int = {
28    match l with {
29        Nil{_} -> 0;
30        Elem{e} -> 1 + length(
31    }
34// Display the elements of the given list: show the elements between square
35// brackets, with a semicolon between consecutive elements, and a final newline.
36fun display(l: List): unit = {
37    // Internal helper function to display each list element
38    fun displayRec(l: List): unit = {
39        match l with {
40            Nil{_} -> ();
41            Elem{e} -> {
42                print(e.value);
43                if not isEmpty( then print("; ")
44                                       else ();
45                displayRec(
46            }
47        }
48    };
49    print("[");
50    displayRec(l);
51    println("]")
54// Map the given function over the given list
55fun map(f: (int) -> int, l: List): List = {
56    match l with {
57        Nil{_} -> Nil{()};
58        Elem{e} -> Elem{struct{ value = f(e.value);
59                                rest = map(f, }}
60    }
63let l: List = range(1, 42);
64print("The length of the list 'l' is: ");
67print("The elements of the list 'l' are: ");
70// Create a list 'l2' by adding 1 to each element of 'l'
71let l2: List = map(fun(x: int) -> x + 1, l);
72print("The elements of the list 'l2' are: ");

Tools and Programming Languages Used During the Course#

This section summarises what Software Requirements you should install to follow the course, and provides some pointers about the F# Programming Language.

Software Requirements#

To run and modify the Hygge compiler, and to use the tools recommended for this course, you will need to install on your computer:

Also highly recommended:

F# Programming Language#

The hyggec compiler is written in F#, and the lectures will often discuss how something can be implemented in F#. Therefore, it is highly recommended to have (or acquire) some experience with F#. Here are some useful resources.

Some specific F# features will be used very often:

Assessment: Group Project and Oral Group Examination#

This is a project-based course with work in groups (normally 5 people).

Your goal is to design and implement features that are not initially supported by the Hygge language and compiler provided with the course materials. For the assessment, your group will need to submit:

  1. the source code of the improved compiler where you implemented such features — including the test cases, and

  2. a Project Report describing how you designed and implemented each feature.

The course ends with an Oral Group Examination.

You can choose between two possible project routes: the Standard Project Route or the Custom Project Route.

Standard Project Route#

You select some of the “Project Ideas” presented throughout the course, and realise them by extending the Hygge language and hyggec compiler provided as part of the course.

You don’t need to implement all the Project Ideas presented during the course: whenever a module presents a list of “Project Ideas” it will also specify how many of them you should select for your project — and if you want to do more than that, you are welcome! You can select the Project Ideas you like, without need to request the teacher’s approval.

Custom Project Route#

Besides the standard Project Ideas discussed above, your group can propose variations, and new and alternative project ideas. Your proposals are welcome! You’ll need to talk about your proposal with the teacher and find an agreement before proceeding.

As an extreme, your group may even propose a radically different project — e.g. writing a new compiler from scratch, or start from another language and/or compiler, instead of the ones provided for the course. Note, however, that this project path is more risky: it may require a much higher implementation effort, and it may clash with the course timeline; moreover, the teacher and TAs may not be able to help you in case of difficulties. If you really want to pursue this possibility, talk about it with the teacher and find an agreement before proceeding.

Project Report#

To write the project report, you should use the LaTeX template available on DTU Learn, which contains some examples and guidelines. The individual contributions of each group member must be explained in the report, because the course grades are individual.

A few recommendations:

  • when you show formal rules (for the syntax, semantics, type checking…) then you may not need a long explanation (the rules may be enough);

  • when showing code snippets, try to reduce them to the bare minimum that helps you explain what you did. Instead of including long code snippets, you can refer to the relevant files and functions in your project source code.

Oral Group Examination#

The course ends with an oral group examination, with the following structure.

  1. The oral exam will open with a 5-minutes group presentation of your project: you should provide a brief overview of your work, and highlight the main features, challenges, and anything you deem noteworthy. When preparing the presentation, consider that the teacher and external examiner will have already read your project report: besides the overview and highlights, you can refer to it for the technical details.

  2. Then, the exam will continue with questions to each group member. The main objective is to assess your contribution to the project work: e.g. you may be asked to clarify some aspect of your work, or discuss possible alternative approaches to what you did. You will not be asked detailed technical questions about parts of the project that were implemented by other team members. You may be asked general questions about compiler concepts (e.g. what are the main phases of a compiler, what is subtyping…).

Group Work Organisation: Some Suggestions#

To succeed in your project, you will need to organise your group work. When working on a compiler, there are two common (and somewhat opposite) approaches.

  1. Phase-oriented: each group member specialises in a compiler phase (parsing, type checking, …). When a new feature needs to be added to the compiler, the group members contribute by taking care of the phase where they are specialised.

    • Pros: easier organisation, because every group member tends to work on different files in the compiler source tree.

    • Cons: individual group members may not learn much outside the compiler phase where they are specialised.

  2. Feature-oriented: when a new feature needs to be added to the compiler, a subset of the group (one or a few members) takes charge of it, and implements it across all compiler phases (from lexing to code generation).

    • Pros: every group member tends to work through all the compiler phases, and learns something about all of them.

    • Cons: requires more organisation, because multiple group members (working on different features) may need to modify at the same time the same files in the compiler source tree.

As a group, you can adopt the approach you prefer: one of the above, or some hybrid between the two, or some variation, or something else entirely… It’s your choice — and you don’t need the teacher’s approval to decide. In any case, the individual contributions of each group member must be explained in the project report.


If you choose approach 2 (feature-oriented), you may adopt something like the Git Feature Branch Workflow to make your group coordination smoother:

The link above mentions Bitbucket, but you can realise the workflow in the same way when using the DTU Compute GitLab service, since it supports merge requests.


Be aware that, if you choose approach 1 (phase-oriented), the lexing and parsing phases have less weight in the course assessment with respect to the other phases: therefore, as a group member, you may not want to only work on those phases. The lexing/parsing assessment weight may increase if you propose some related Project Idea (to be agreed with the teacher, see Custom Project Route).