02247 Compiler Construction — Spring 2023
02247 Compiler Construction — Spring 2023#
These are the lecture notes of the course 02247 Compiler Construction at DTU Compute.
These lecture notes are also available in PDF format.
The home page for this course (with course plan, calendar, groups, project submission…) is on DTU Learn: https://learn.inside.dtu.dk/d2l/home/145305
These lecture notes will be updated throughout the course. The latest updates are listed in the ChangeLog.
- Module 0: Overview of the Course and Assessment
- Module 1: Introduction to RISC-V
- Module 2: The Hygge0 Language Specification
- Module 3: Hands-On with
- Module 4: Lab Day
- Module 5: Mutability and Loops
- Module 6: Functions and the RISC-V Calling Convention
- Module 7: Structured Data Types and the Heap
- Module 8: Lab Day
- Module 9: Closures
- Module 10: Discriminated Unions and Recursive Types
- Module 11: Intermediate Representations and Register Allocation
- Module 12: Optimisation
- ChangeLog