Module 1: Introduction to RISC-V#

In this module you will learn the basics of assembly programming in RISC-V. This will be necessary to understand the code generated by hyggec, and to implement code generation for new Hygge programming language constructs.

What is RISC-V? And Why Is It Relevant?#

RISC-V is a modern Open Source Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) with an explosive growth in popularity and adoption across all areas — hobbyists, academia, industry.

The first letters of “RISC-V” stand for Reduced Instruction-Set Computer: a CPU design philosophy where processors only support a small set of instructions, but run them very efficiently. As a comparison: the basic RISC-V ISA consists of 47 different instructions, whereas the x86 ISA consists of many hundreds of instructions.

RISC-V has a modular design: its base ISA has a rather limited set of registers and instructions, but various extensions expand the architecture capabilities by adding more registers and instructions. Consequently, the RISC-V base ISA only supports very simple integer arithmetic instructions — and there is an extension that adds instructions for integer division and multiplication, another extension for floating-point arithmetic instructions, another for vector arithmetic instructions… With this modular design, the RISC-V architecture can scale from very small, low-cost and low-power microcontrollers, to powerful multicore CPUs with built-in hardware acceleration for numerical processing.

In this course we will use a combination of RISC-V extensions denoted RV32IMF:

  • RV32I is the base instruction set with 32-bit registers and integer instructions;

  • M is the extension that adds integer division and multiplication instructions;

  • F is the extension that adds single-precision, 32-bit floating-point registers and instructions.

Base and Floating-Point Registers#

Table 2 and Table 3 below list, respectively, the 32 integer registers available in the base 32-bit RISC-V ISA, and the additional 32 registers introduced by the single-precision floating-point extension. Each register has a size of 32 bits.

Table 2 32-bit RISC-V base integer registers.#

Base register name

Symbolic name


Saved by



Hard-wired zero



Return address




Stack pointer




Global pointer



Thread pointer



Temporary / alternate link register







s0 / fp

Saved register / frame pointer




Saved register




Function arguments / return values




Function arguments




Saved registers






Table 3 RISC-V single-precision floating-point registers.#

Floating-point register name

Symbolic name


Saved by



Floating-point temporaries




Floating-point saved registers




Floating-point arguments/return values




Floating-point arguments




Floating-point saved registers




Floating-point temporaries


The register names are x0x31 (for integer registers) and f0f31 (for floating-point registers). Their use is unrestricted: a program can write and read registers for any purpose — with one exception: register x0 is immutable and always contains the value 0.

Each register also has a symbolic name that reflects its conventional use. For example:

  • register x0 is also called zero;

  • register x6 is also called t1, because it is typically used to hold a temporary value that may be later discarded;

  • register x10 is also called a0, because it is typically used to pass an argument when calling a function; this register is also typically used to hold the function’s return value.

The conventional use of RISC-V registers is usually observed by compiler developers, to ensure that the RISC-V code generated by one compiler can interoperate with code generated by other compilers.

There is also another important base register (not listed in Table 2 above): the program counter pc, which always contains the memory address of the instruction being executed by the CPU. Unlike the registers listed above, the content of pc cannot be read nor written directly: it can be only be updated or retrieved by dedicated instructions that control the program execution — such as jumps (which we discuss in A Few RISC-V Assembly Instructions below).


For now, we ignore the “Saved by” column in Table 2 and Table 3. We will reprise it later in the course.

A Few RISC-V Assembly Instructions#

We will not address all RISC-V assembly instructions in detail. Instead, we discuss with a few of them, listed in the following subsections:

These instructions are sufficient for writing some RISC-V assembly programs. This experience will be helpful for later exploring the rest of the RISC-V ISA and learn how other instructions work.

A few remarks:

  • a word in RISC-V is 32 bits (4 bytes) in size;

  • all memory accesses must be 32-bit aligned (i.e. any memory address used to read/write data or execute code must be a multiple of 32);

  • a label represents a memory address in RISC-V assembly (this will be clearer when we will discuss the RISC-V Assembly Program Structure).


Some of the assembly instructions below are marked as pseudo instructions: this means that they are not implemented in hardware. Instead, they are made available (as a convenience) by most assemblers — which are programs that transform RISC-V assembly code into actual RISC-V binary machine code. Therefore, a RISC-V pseudo instruction may be translated by the assembler into multiple RISC-V machine instructions.

The distinction between RISC-V machine instructions and pseudo instructions will not be very relevant for this course — but you may notice that:

  • when reading RISC-V documentation, some pseudo instructions may be different or absent; and

  • when running or debugging RISC-V assembly code using RARS — RISC-V Assembler and Runtime Simulator (or other similar tools), the pseudo instructions are expanded into the corresponding machine instructions.

Load and Store Instructions#

These instructions load data from memory into a register, copy data between registers, or store data from a register into memory.




li rd, val

Load immediate

Load into register rd the 32-bit value val. (Pseudo instruction)

lw rd, label

Load word

Load into register rd the word stored at memory address label. (Pseudo instruction)

la rd, label

Load absolute

Load into register rd the memory address label. (Pseudo instruction)

mv rd, rs


Move (i.e. copy) the content of register rs into register rd.

sw rs2, offset(rs1)

Store word

Store the 32-bit value contained in the register rs2 into memory. The destination memory address is computed adding the value offset to the content of register rs1.

Integer Arithmetic Instructions#

These instructions operate on base integer registers.




add rd, rs1, rs2


Add the contents of registers rs1 and rs2 and store the result in register rd.

sub rd, rs1, rs2


Subtract the contents of register rs2 from rs1 and store the result in register rd.

mul rd, rs1, rs2


Multiply the contents of registers rs2 and rs1 and store the result in register rd.

div rd, rs1, rs2


Divide the content of register rs1 by rs2 and store the result in register rd.

Control Transfer Instructions#

These instructions perform jumps, with or without conditions.




j label


Jump to memory address label and execute the code stored there. (Pseudo instruction)

beq rs1, rs2, label

Branch if equal

Compare the contents of registers rs1 and rs2, and jump to label if they are equal.

bne rs1, rs2, label

Branch if not equal

Compare the contents of registers rs1 and rs2, and jump to label if they are not equal.

blt rs1, rs2, label

Branch if less than

Compare the contents of registers rs1 and rs2, and jump to label if the content of rs1 is smaller than the content of rs2.

Single-Precision Floating-Point Instructions#

These instructions include numerical operations between floating-point registers. There are also instructions to transfer data between registers (fmv.w.x, fmv.s), and to compare the contents of floating-point registers (feq.s, flt.s, fle.s).




fmv.w.x rd, rs

Integer to floating-point register move

Move (copy) the content of integer register rs into floating-point register rd. The content of rs is expected to be a single-precision floating-point value in IEEE 754-2008 encoding.

fmv.s rd, rs

Floating-point to floating-point register move

Move (copy) the content of floating-point register rs into floating-point register rd.

fadd.s rd, rs1, rs2

Floating-point addition

Add the contents of floating-point registers rs1 and rs2 and write the result in floating-point register rd.

fsub.s rd, rs1, rs2

Floating-point subtraction

Subtract the contents of floating-point register rs2 from floating-point register rs1 and write the result in floating-point register rd.

fmul.s rd, rs1, rs2

Floating-point multiplication

Multiply the contents of floating-point registers rs2 and rs1 and write the result in floating-point register rd.

fdiv.s rd, rs1, rs2

Floating-point division

Divide the content of floating-point register rs1 by floating-point register rs2 and write the result in floating-point register rd.

feq.s rd, rs1, rs2

Floating-point equality comparison

Check whether the contents of floating-point registers rs1 and rs2 are equal, and write the result of the check into the integer register rd: write 1 if the check is true, and 0 otherwise.

flt.s rd, rs1, rs2

Floating-point less-than comparison

Check whether the content of floating-point register rs1 is less than the content of floating-point register rs2, and write the result of the check into the integer register rd: write 1 if the check is true, and 0 otherwise.

fle.s rd, rs1, rs2

Floating-point less-or-equal comparison

Check whether the content of floating-point register rs1 is less than or equal to the content of floating-point register rs2, and write the result of the check into the integer register rd: write 1 if the check is true, and 0 otherwise.

System Instructions#

These instructions allow a RISC-V assembly program to interact with the surrounding operating system.





Environment break

Stop the execution. This instruction acts as a breakpoint, and is used e.g. to let debuggers take control of a running program.


Environment call

Perform a system call. This will become clearer in when we will discuss the RISC-V Assembly Program Structure and RARS — RISC-V Assembler and Runtime Simulator.

RISC-V Assembly Program Structure#

Example 1 below shows simple RISC-V assembly program.

Example 1 (A simple RISC-V assembly program)

 1# A simple program that adds two integers (one stored in memory, the other
 2# immediate), stores the result in memory, and exits.
 3        # The next items are stored in the Data memory segment
 5value:       # Label for the memory address of the value below
 6    .word 3  # Allocate a word (size: 4 bytes) and initialise it to value 3
 7result:      # Label for the memory address of the value below
 8    .word 0  # Allocate a word (size: 4 bytes) and initialise it to value 0
10.text        # The next items are stored in the Text memory segment
11    lw t0, value    # Load word at the memory addres 'value' in register t0
12    li t1, 42       # Load the immediate value 42 in register t1
13    add t2, t0, t1  # Add contents of t0 and t1, store result in t2
14    la t3, result   # Load the memory address of label 'result' in t3
15    sw t2, 0(t3)    # Store word in t2 in memory address in t3 (offset 0)
17    li a7, 10  # Load the immediate value 10 in register a7
18    ecall      # Perform syscall. In RARS, if a7 is 10, this means: "Exit"

When a program runs on a RISC-V architecture, its memory is divided into segments. The two principal segments are:

  • Text segment, which contains the program’s machine code executed by the CPU (therefore, the pc register should always contain a memory address within this segment);

  • Data segment, which contains data used by the program.

The RISC-V assembly program in Example 1 uses the .data and .text directives (respectively on lines 4 and 10) to place contents in the corresponding memory segments: such contents can be either values (lines 5–8) or machine code generated from assembly instructions (lines 11–18).

Moreover, the RISC-V assembly program in Example 1 uses labels to represent memory addresses. For example, line 5 says that the label called value is an alias for the memory address of the content defined on line 6. Then, the program uses the label value to access that content and load it into a register (line 11). When the assembly program is given to an assembler to generate the corresponding RISC-V machine code, each label is replaced by a 32-bit-aligned memory address.

The last two lines of the RISC-V assembly program in Example 1 perform a system call that exits from the running program: we will see the precise meaning of those lines shortly, when discussing RARS — RISC-V Assembler and Runtime Simulator.

Example 2 below shows another RISC-V assembly program, featuring a loop (based on conditional jumps) and the use of floating-point values and operations.

Example 2 (A RISC-V assembly program with floats and a loop)

 1# A program that increments a single-precision floating-point value
 2# (starting from 1.0) by adding 10 times the value 0.1.  Before each
 3# increment, the program prints on the console a message reporting the
 4# current value.  Then, the program exits.
 5        # The next items are stored in the Data memory segment
 7msg:         # Label for the mem addr of the first char of the string below
 8    .string "The current value is: "  # Allocate a string, in C-style: a
 9                                      # sequence of characters in adjacent
10                                      # memory addresses, terminated with 0
12.text        # The next items are stored in the Text memory segment
13    li t0, 0x3f800000 # Load this immediate value into register t0
14             # The value above is the 32-bit hexadecimal representation of
15             # the single-precision floating-point number 1.0.
16             # To convert values between floating-point and hex, see e.g.:
17             #
18    fmv.w.x ft0, t0  # Move the content of t0 into floating-point reg ft0
19             # Register ft0 contains the value we will increment
21    li t0, 0x3dcccccd # Load this immediate value into register t0
22             # The value above is the 32-bit hexadecimal representation of
23             # the single-precision floating-point number 0.1
24    fmv.w.x ft1, t0  # Move the content of t0 into floating-point reg ft1
25             # Register ft1 contains the increment we will add to ft0
27    li t0, 0   # Load value 0 into register t0 (used as counter)
28    li t1, 1   # Load value 1 into register t1 (used as counter increment)
29    li t2, 10  # Load value 10 into register t2 (number of increments)
31loop_begin:  # Label for memory location of the beginning of the loop
32    la a0, msg  # Load address of label 'msg' into a0, for printing below
33    li a7, 4    # Load immediate value 4 into register a7
34    ecall       # Syscall. In RARS, if a7=4, this means: "PrintString"
36    li a7, 2        # Load value 2 into register a7
37    fmv.s fa0, ft0  # Copy float value in ft0 into fa0, for printing below 
38    ecall           # Syscall. In RARS, if a7=2, this means: "PrintFloat"
40    li a0, '\n'  # Load value of char '\n' into a0, for printing below
41    li a7, 11    # Load immediate value 11 into register a7
42    ecall        # Syscall. In RARS, if a7=11, this means: "PrintChar"
44    beq t0, t2, loop_end  # If t0 and t2 are equal, jump to loop_end
46    fadd.s ft0, ft0, ft1  # Increment the floating-point value: add the
47                          # contents of floating point registers ft0 and
48                          # ft1, write the result in ft0
50    add t0, t0, t1  # Increment loop couunter: add t0 and t1, result in t0
52    j loop_begin  # Jump to the beginning of the loop
54loop_end: # Label for memory location of the end of the loop
55    li a7, 10  # Load the immediate value 10 in register a7
56    ecall      # Perform syscall. In RARS, if a7 is 10, this means: "Exit"

Example 2 highlights some more characteristics of RISC-V assembly programming:

  • we can store strings in memory (lines 7 and 8) and then access them (line 32);

  • to load an immediate floating-point value into a floating-point register, we first load its “raw” byte representation into a base register (lines 13, 21) and then copy the value into a floating-point register (lines 18, 24);

  • we use system calls for printing various types of data (lines 34, 38, 42): such system calls are made available by RARS — RISC-V Assembler and Runtime Simulator.

RARS — RISC-V Assembler and Runtime Simulator#

To run a RISC-V assembly program, we need to:

  1. process the assembly program with an assembler that translates it into the corresponding RISC-V binary machine code; and

  2. execute the RISC-V binary machine code using either real RISC-V hardware, or a RISC-V emulator.

In this course we will use the RISC-V assembler and emulator RARS, which implements both functionalities above, and includes very useful features for debugging RISC-V assembly programs.

Downloading and Running RARS#

RARS is available at:

The instructions below are based on RARS v1.6:

To see RARS in action, you can follow these steps.

  1. Download the file rars1_6.jar from the link above.

  2. Launch RARS from a terminal: java -jar rars1_6.jar

  3. On the main RARS program window, click on the menu “File” → “New”.

  4. Copy & paste the code of Example 1 in the “Edit” area.

  5. Save the code being edited (this step is necessary to proceed): “File” → “Save as…”.

  6. Assemble the RISC-V assembly code, generating RISC-V machine code: click on the menu “Run” → “Assemble”

The main area of the RARS program window will now switch from the “Edit” to the “Execute” view. You should now see:

  • the Text memory segment of the running program:

    • the “Source” column shows each instruction in your RISC-V assembly code

    • the “Basic” column shows the corresponding RISC-V machine instructions (you may see how pseudo instructions are expanded)

    • the “Code” column shows the corresponding binary machine code

    • the “Address” column shows the memory address of each machine instruction

    • the “Bkpt” column can be used to place a breakpoint (e.g. for debugging)

  • the Data memory segment of the running program

  • the RISC-V registers (base and floating-point)

  • a “Run I/O” console with program execution information, and the program input/output


Before proceeding, you can make the register contents easier to read: click on the menu “Settings” and deselect the option “Values displayed as hexadecimal”.

You can now execute your program: if you hover with your mouse cursor on the icons in the toolbar, a pop-up will show their functionality. Note, in particular, that you can:

  • run the current program until it terminates, and pause or stop its execution. You can use the “Run I/O” console to:

    • see the running program output, and its termination status;

    • provide inputs to the running program;

  • run one step at a time: RARS will highlight the current instruction, and which register or memory location have been modified by the previous instruction;

  • undo the last step of the program execution (very useful for debugging): also in this case, RARS will highlight the current instruction, and which register or memory location have been modified by the previous (undone) instruction;

  • reset the memory and registers, thus restarting the program execution from the beginning.


The RARS documentation is available on its Wiki:

You can also get a very handy quick reference help by clicking on the toolbar icon “?”, or via the RARS menu: “Help” → “Help”.

RARS System Calls#

Besides emulating a RISC-V CPU, RARS also simulates some elements of an operating system — and RISC-V assembly programs can interact with this mini-OS by performing system calls (a.k.a. syscalls) using the instruction ecall. This allows the running program to access various services — e.g. read inputs from the “Run I/O” console, produce outputs, read or write files, terminate execution, even play MIDI music (!)…

To perform a system call, a RISC-V assembly program needs to:

  • load the desired syscall number into register a7;

  • load the syscall arguments (if any) into other registers (depending on which syscall is selected in a7);

  • perform the syscall, with the instruction ecall;

  • after the syscall returns, some registers (depending on which syscall is selected in a7) may be updated with its result.

The RARS syscalls are documented here:

They are also listed in the quick reference help, available by clicking on the toolbar icon “?”, or via the RARS menu: “Help” → “Help”.

References and Further Readings#

The official RISC-V specification documents all the details of the ISA. It also documents ISA extensions, including floating-point.

  • RISC-V ISA Specification (ratified), Volume 1 (Unprivileged spec). Available at:


    The main intended audience of the RISC-V ISA specification are CPU designers and implementers; many of its details (e.g. how RISC-V instructions are encoded in bits) are not crucial for RISC-V assembly programming.

A very useful reference for RISC-V assembly programming is provided by the Shakti initiative at IIT-Madras (India), which develops RISC-V CPUs and products.

  • Shakti ASM manual. Available at:

    • See, in particular, chapters 1, 2, 4, 5.


    As of January 2024, the latest version of the Shakti ASM manual is 0.21, and it does not cover floating-point instructions (but this might change in later editions).

It may be sometimes handy to consult one of the quick reference cards for RISC-V assembly, which summarise the ISA in a few A4 pages. For example:

Besides RARS, several other RISC-V emulators are available. Some of them run in a browser, and do not require any software installation: they can be quite handy for experiments, but their features can be quite limited and sometimes incompatible with RARS. For example:


Besides the links above, you can find more RISC-V documentation, tutorials, and tools on the Web — and new materials are published very frequently. If you find any other good resource that you would recommend, you are welcome to share it with the teacher, and with your fellow students!

Lab Exercises#


The following exercises are not assessed: their purpose is to practice with RISC-V assembly programming, and become familiar with RARS. This experience will be useful when dealing with code generation in the rest of the course.

You are welcome (and encouraged!) to discuss the exercises and your solutions with your fellow students — either in person, or on the forum on DTU Learn.

You should be able to solve all exercises by only using the RISC-V instructions listed in A Few RISC-V Assembly Instructions — but feel free to browse the References and Further Readings and experiment with other instructions.

Exercise 1 (Minimising register usage)

Adjust the RISC-V assembly code in Example 1 so that it computes the same result by only using registers t0 and t1 (plus register a7 for the final syscall).


The source and destination registers of RISC-V instructions can overlap. For instance, see the code in Example 2, line 50…

Exercise 2 (Adding integers read from the console)

Write a RISC-V assembly program that reads two integer values from the console, computes their sum, and prints it on screen.


You will need to use the ReadInt and PrintInt RARS syscalls: see the documentation.

Consider that, after the ReadInt syscall, the integer value read from the console is available in register a0. If you call ReadInt again, a0 is overwritten with the new console input…

Exercise 3 (Adding floats read from the console)

Write a RISC-V assembly program that reads two float values from the console, computes their sum, and prints it on screen.


The solution is similar to Exercise 2 — except that you will need to use the ReadFloat and PrintFloat RARS syscall: see the documentation.

Exercise 4 (Comparing integers)

Write a RISC-V assembly program that reads two integer values from the console, and prints on the console a message saying whether the two values are equal, or the first is greater than the second, or vice versa.


See the hints of Exercise 2. Moreover:

  • To print a message on the console, you will need to use the PrintString RARS syscall, as in Example 2.

  • To print different messages depending on which value is greater, you will need to use conditional branch instructions.

Exercise 5 (Comparing floats)

Write a RISC-V assembly program that reads two single-precision floating-point values from the console, and prints on the console a message saying whether the two values are equal, or the first is greater than the second, or vice versa.


You can use the solution to Exercise 2 as a starting point. However:

  • To print a float on the console, you will need to use the PrintFloat RARS syscall, as in Example 2.

  • To print different messages depending on which value is greater, you will need to use both floating-point comparison instructions and conditional branch instructions. Therefore, the resulting code can be quite different from the solution to Exercise 2

Exercise 6 (Factorial)

Write a RISC-V assembly program that reads an integer \(n\) from the console, and checks whether it is positive. If \(n\) is positive, the program computes and prints on the console the factorial \(n!\), defined as:

\[ n! \;=\; n \times (n - 1) \times \cdots \times 2 \times 1 \]

Exercise 7 (Sum of \(n\) floats read from the console)

Write a RISC-V assembly program that reads an integer \(n\) from the console, and checks whether it is positive. If \(n\) is positive, the program reads \(n\) single-precision floating-point values from the console, and prints their sum on the console.

Exercise 8 (Array indexing)

Write a RISC-V assembly program that prints on screen all the integers stored in a static array. The array is stored in the .data segment under the label arr: the first integer under arr is the size of the array, and it is followed by the actual array values.

For example, if your program has the following preamble:

    .word 10, 9, 7, 4, 5, 6, 0, 1, 2, 8, 3

then arr describes an array with 10 elements (9, 7, 4, …, 8, 3). Your program should work for arrays of any size.


To access \(n\)th integer value stored in arr, you can:

  1. use the RISC-V instruction la to load the memory address of the label arr (which is the base memory address of the array);

  2. increment the loaded address by \(4 * n\) (since each integer is 4 bytes long); and

  3. use lw to load the integer value stored in the incremented memory address.

Exercise 9 (Approximation of \(\pi\))

Write a RISC-V assembly program that reads an integer \(n\) from the console, and checks whether it is positive. If \(n\) is positive, the program computes and prints on the console the approximation of \(\pi\) calculated using the Taylor expansion up to the \(n\)th term:

\[ \pi \;\approx\; 4\left(\sum_{i = 0}^{n-1}\frac{(-1)^i}{2i + 1}\right) \;=\; 4 \left(\frac{1}{1} - \frac{1}{3} + \frac{1}{5} - \frac{1}{7} + \cdots + \frac{(-1)^n}{2n + 1}\right) \]